about dfi ids system accounts


HI i'm luke

you can use any pronouns for me but people usually use he/they

i really like nintendo stuff

i tweet about fire emblem and professor layton a lot so if you hate either of those things you probably shouldn't follow me akjdfkasf

please don't follow me if

if i don't think you're safe, i'll just let you know and softblock you

don't follow if you share

luke triton (professor layton)

tohru (kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon)

please ask to follow if you share

admin plumeria (pokemon)

niles (fire emblem)


i usually only talk about my system on my personal

please tell me if it makes you uncomfortable

(and please don't attempt to invalidate me if i ever do bring it up here)

thank you

where to find me!

main twitter

personal twitter

art twitter
